Preview of Mainnet Token Coverage
Jul 6, 2022
· 1 min read
We’re super excited to announce that PoolParty, Stride’s first Testnet, is live!
With the successful launch of our public testnet behind us, we’re excited to announce Stride’s plans for our mainnet launch later this month. On our testnet, we support liquid staking of stATOM, but Stride’s vision is much broader: we aim to provide liquid staking for all chains in the Cosmos ecosystem.
Stride has been designed as an L1 appchain with liquid staking in mind: we leverage IBC technology to trustlessly provide staking tokens for any chain in the Cosmos ecosystem. The process to onboard new chains is simple; anyone can propose onboarding a new chain through a governance vote, which will automatically onboard the new chain if passed. At launch, we are prioritizing the largest Cosmos chains: we’ll launch with ATOM and 1-2 other high volume Cosmos chains.
After launch, we plan on rapidly expanding our reach throughout the Cosmos ecosystem. Some chains and tokens that we plan to onboard later this year are
Chains and tokens that we plan to onboard this year:
Juno: stJUNO
Secret: stSCRT
Osmosis: stOSMO
Kava: stKAVA
Oasis: stROSE
Axelar: stAXL
Akash: stAKT
Evmos: stEVMOS
Injective: stINJ
Regen: stREGEN
Sommelier: stSOMM
Band: stBAND
dYdX: stDYDX
Terra V2: stLUNC
Stargaze: stSTARS
Kujira: stKUJI
Umee: stUMEE
E-Money: stNGM
Crypto.Org: stCRO
Comdex: stCMDX
Sifchain: stEROWAN
Crescent Network: stCRE
MediBloc: stMED
Persistence: stXPRT
Iris: stIRIS
AssetMantle: stMNTL
Sentinel: stDVPN
BitSong: stBTSG
Cheqd: stCHEQ
Chihuahua: stHUAHUA
KiChain: stXKI
Ixo: stIXO
Microtick: stTICK
Fetch.Ai: stFET
Konstellation: stDARC
Desmos: stDSM
Bitcanna: stBCNA
Lum Network: stLUM
Bostrom: stBOOT
Likecoin: stLIKE
Dig Chain: stDIG
OmniFlix: stOMNI
Decentr: stDEC
Vidulum: stVDL
Altered Carbon: stACB
Shentu: stCTK
Many more tokens will launch in the cosmos ecosystem over the coming months and years. Stride plans to support all IBCv3-compatible tokens as “st”-Tokens.