Looking Heavenward: Major Stride x Stargaze Collaboration

Jun 27, 2024

· 2 min read

To the stars

As the center of gravity in the Cosmos ecosystem shifts, Stargaze contributors are planning an exciting new Celestia rollup. It will be known as Astra. And Stride will have a big part to play!

While the existing Stargaze chain isn’t going anywhere, Astra will take the Stargaze community to new heights. Here are three powerful new features that Astra will enable:

  • All Cosmos tokens on Astra will be automatically staked on the backend, similar to the Ethereum rollup Blast

  • Unlike Stargaze, contract deployment on Astra will be fully permissionless

  • As a rollup, Astra will have much higher throughput

    Astra will be a major Celestia rollup, with the excellent user experience and special community spirit Stargaze is known for.  

Everything under the sun

At launch, Astra will have the full functionality of Stargaze - minting and trading NFTs with a wonderful user interface. Shortly after launch, it is anticipated that Stargaze projects will launch games and DeFi apps on Astra. Everything is welcome.

To start, ATOM, TIA, and STARS will be supported by Astra, with more tokens to come in time.

Astra expands the cultural horizons of Stargaze, making a space for the Celestia community to feel fully at home. Permissionless deployment of contracts opens the design space of the Stargaze community, enabling unexpected experiments and fast iteration.

Stargaze <> Stride

To make Astra possible, Stargaze and Stride contributors will be working together closely. On the backend, all Cosmos tokens on Astra will be liquid staked with Stride. Once liquid staked, Stride’s Hyperlane bridge will be used to transport tokens to Astra.

On Astra, the yield generated by tokens can be used for multiple ends, which will ultimately be determined by Stargaze governance. Return yield to users? Use yield to incentivize builders? Reward STARS? All these will be possible.

Astra will be the first CosmWasm rollup to put all tokens to work and capture the yield.

Greeting the future

Astra is expected to launch this year, in early Q4.

When it launches, Astra will change the cultural and DeFi landscape of Cosmos forever.

To keep up with the progress of Astra, follow Stride, Stargaze, and Rollkit.

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